Introducing Armed With Reason
Welcome to "Armed with Reason," a space created by GVPedia for the gun violence prevention community to share and explore critical issues in the movement.
By: Caitlin Clarkson Pereira, Executive Director, GVPedia & Devin Hughes, President and Founder, GVPedia
GVPedia is a non-profit organization that provides access to the largest public gun study database in existence as well as a repository of fact sheets about gun violence. GVPedia is also home to the Facts about Firearms Policy Initiative, a white paper on countering the Firehose of Falsehood, and a report titled “Mass Shootings in America: 2013-2019.”
Armed With Reason is our newest initiative in countering the gun lobby’s Firehose of Falsehood, a decades-long disinformation campaign that has substantially altered the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment from its original militia-based intent. The gun lobby’s campaign has convinced millions of Americans that firearms make them safer, a demonstrable falsehood.
Armed With Reason will feature articles from GVPedia as well as from leaders in the gun violence prevention movement, survivors, gun owners, and advocates from across the country. We see this platform as a way to elevate all voices in the gun violence prevention community. We are building an inclusive space where people across the country can share ideas, network, and collaborate. This Substack platform will provide a space for our thriving GVP community to quickly identify and respond to disinformation from the gun lobby and its allies, while also rapidly promoting best organizational practices and important information and stories.
Do you have a topic or idea that you want to write about? Contact us! We are looking to feature stories and ideas from across the community.
It is important to note that the thoughts and opinions expressed here are not necessarily held by GVPedia. From time to time, we will publish content that may not completely align with our views, but that we feel are thought-provoking ideas intended to spur conversation, debate, and learning.
As this space grows over the coming months and years, we urge people to assume good intentions for other members of the community. Disagreement is natural and important. Shaming and slamming people on this platform is not. People who repeatedly violate these standards will be banned, and trolls will be blocked. This is a space for ideas, momentum, and learning from others. This is a place for respect.
If you wish to support our efforts here, please consider a paid subscription. While all content will be free for the first couple months, and the overwhelming majority of content will always continue to be free, people who purchase a subscription will have exclusive access to extra content in the future. Stay tuned for more information.
We are excited to launch this next step in our mission to bring facts and research to the gun violence prevention discussion, and we are excited for you to join us on this journey.
Featured image by Flavio Botana from Pixabay