GVPedia's 2024 Annual Report: A Year of Combating Disinformation
Our report highlights the work we've done and what we're planning for the future
As we reflect on 2024, we are proud to share our Annual Report, highlighting the impactful work we’ve done to combat disinformation surrounding gun violence.
This past year, we have further strengthened our efforts to promote truth and empower communities. These achievements were made possible by GVPedia’s staff, board members, academic advisory board, partners, and you.
We invite you to explore the full report and join us as we continue this critical work in 2025. Thank you for being part of this journey to make our country a safer place.
You can view the full report here.
“We have a clear path set for 2025. We know we will be busy fighting disinformation, as well as creating new and innovative ways to inject truth into the narrative about gun violence. We understand this can only be done by listening, learning, and constantly evolving.”