GVPanorama: Lessons from a Mass Shooter’s Mother
A decade after her son committed a massacre, Chin Rodger is on a quest to help prevent the next tragedy
The six victims of the 2014 Isla Vista shooting, May 23, 2014; via People
While on the search for recent gun violence prevention news for our weekly "Friday Finds” feature, we often come across editorials, personal stories, or wider-lens articles that don’t necessarily fit into a “current events” window. With “GVPanorama” we will highlight some of these thought-provoking pieces.
This is a beautifully written, if often terrifying, account of a mother of a mass shooter who turned her pain, rage, and self-doubt into trying to make sure this didn’t happen to another mother. The Mother Jones article includes a podcast.
“They would soon learn that the news was far worse. Elliot had perpetrated a horrific massacre, one that still stands apart in America’s epidemic of mass shootings. The case would be documented extensively by investigators and play a unique role: Its unusual range of evidence would show experts more about what leads to such attacks and help advance a growing field of violence prevention. And eventually, Chin herself would join that effort.”