GVPanorama - Debunking CVI Myths: CVI Is Only Street Outreach
A video explaining how the Community Violence Intervention field has evolved
Image via Chicago CRED
While on the search for recent gun violence prevention news for our weekly "Friday Finds” feature, we often come across editorials, personal stories, or wider-lens articles that don’t necessarily fit into a “current events” window. With “GVPanorama” we will highlight some of these thought-provoking pieces.
Today we’re sharing this quick informational video from our colleagues at the Center for American Progress (CAP).
In it, “Susan Lee, Chief of Strategy and Policy at Chicago CRED, shares how much the [CVI] field has evolved over time to incorporate more tools to encourage behavior change beyond outreach workers with few resources risking their lives to interrupt violence and spread anti-violence messages.
CVI programs which invest in case management, cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to change patterns of thinking, and creating a coordinated ecosystem of support over a longer period of time are able to sustain sizable reductions in community violence.”