Given the constant information tsunami of our 24-hour news cycle world, there are bound to be stories that get lost in the scroll. On Fridays here at Armed With Reason, we’ll highlight some articles from the Gun Violence Prevention realm that might have been missed during your busy week.
Three Decades After the Brady Bill, Some Gun Buyers Still Don’t Undergo Background Checks
“In the years after Brady’s passage, 70 bills were introduced in Congress that tried to narrow or close the private sales loophole, to no avail.”
Experts, government outline healthcare strategies for gun violence prevention at Northwell's annual forum
“Providers, researchers and government officials gathered Tuesday to discuss the ‘urgent public health crisis’ of gun violence and throw their weight behind a new multimillion-dollar awareness campaign.”
VIDEO: Federal data reveals gun stores whose firearms have been used in many crimes
“The ATF sends dealers a letter when at least 25 of its firearms sold in the last three years are traced to crimes the previous calendar year.”
The rise of recycled and ghost guns
“According to the research arm of Everytown…, there is at least one seller in 26 states across the country who is selling the core building blocks for a ghost gun.”
Fact check: More gun ownership does not lead to less gun violence
“A map claiming to show levels of gun violence across the United States says that states with more guns have lower levels of gun violence. But data shows that states with more gun ownership have higher rates of firearm deaths.”
VIDEO: Growing number of Oregon students caught with guns at school
“Last year, guns were found in 13 school districts in Oregon. Handguns, shotguns and rifles showed up in every type of community.”
Survey Examining Youth Experience of Gun Violence Underscores Need for Action
“The latest report – a partnership with Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund and the Polarization & Extremism Research & Innovation Lab (PERIL) at American University – is our youth speaking to us, and they need to be heard.”
State launches first-ever firearm data dashboard meant to help Coloradans better understand gun violence, prevention
“For the first time, data about gun violence and use in Colorado has been gathered in one place so people can see the stark numbers.”
RELATED: GVPedia’s Data Visualization tool has Arrived!
VIDEO: ‘That was me’: KCMO advocate paralyzed by gun violence shares solutions to crime
“There aren't many people who can speak to gun violence like Wesley Hamilton, the founder of the Disabled but not Really Foundation.”
One Lexington to accept Gun Violence Prevention Grant applications
“Non-profit organizations that want to apply for the City’s One Lexington Violence Prevention grants will be able to do so starting March 1.”