Given the constant information tsunami of our 24-hour news cycle world, there are bound to be stories that get lost in the scroll. On Fridays here at Armed With Reason, we’ll highlight some articles from the gun violence prevention realm that might have been scrolled by during your busy week.
For the Love of Guns
“What we all give up so that they can own their lethal weapons”
Gun Violence Isn’t Just a City Problem
New research found that firearm deaths are more likely to occur in small towns than in major cities.
Philadelphia 76ers Star, James Harden, is Helping a Shooting Survivor
John Hao was wounded in the February 13th attack on Michigan State's campus.
Deaths from firearms keep climbing in Texas, decades after lawmakers began weakening gun regulations
“U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data shows that deaths from firearms in Texas generally began to increase about two decades ago after a dramatic decline in the 1990s.”
History helps explain the patterns of U.S. gun violence
“Maine author Colin Woodard says America's long-ago past is at the heart of its present dispute over what to do about gun violence.”
Faith leaders call to end gun violence
“Over 550 faith leaders call for Mother’s Day to be declared a national day of prayer, mourning, repentance, and contemplation to end violence”
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay